File: FSCSERIAL-TRAP-MIB.mib (66285 bytes)

Imported modules

RFC1155-SMI RFC-1212 RFC1213-MIB

Imported symbols

Gauge enterprises TimeTicks
IpAddress Counter NetworkAddress
OBJECT-TYPE DisplayString PhysAddress

Defined Types


INTEGER imageUpgradeSuccess(1), imageUpgradeTftpNoSocket(2), imageUpgradeTftpConnectFailure(3), imageUpgradeTftpRequestDenied(4), imageUpgradeTftpBadPacket(5), imageUpgradeTftpOOS(6), imageUpgradeTftpTooBig(7), imageUpgradeTftpTimeout(8), imageUpgradeAlreadyInProgress(9), imageUpgradeCannotStart(10), imageUpgradeMemoryError(11), imageUpgradeTftpProtocolError(12), imageUpgradeBadType(13), imageUpgradeInvalidAppDowngrade(14), imageUpgradeChecksumError(15), imageUpgradeFlashError(16), imageUpgradeInternalError(17), imageUpgradeFileNotFound(18), imageUpgradeBadHeader(19), imageUpgradeIncompatibleHeader(20)    

INTEGER nfsNoError(9999), nfsNhGeneralErr(1), nfsNhIntMountErr(2), nfsNhFTypeCompatErr(3), nfsNhFileNameErr(4), nfsNhFileWriteErr(5), nfsNhFileOvRnErr(6), nfsRpcCantEncodeArgs(7), nfsRpcCantDecodeRes(8), nfsRpcCantSend(9), nfsRpcCantRecv(10), nfsRpcTimedOut(11), nfsRpcVersMismatch(12), nfsRpcAuthErr(13), nfsRpcProgUnavail(14), nfsRpcProgVersMismatch(15), nfsRpcProcUnavail(16), nfsRpcCantDecodeArgs(17), nfsRpcSystemErr(18), nfsRpcUnknownHost(19), nfsRpcPortmapFailure(20), nfsRpcProgNotRegistered(21), nfsRpcFailed(22), nfsRpcUnknownProto(23), nfsRpcIntr(24), nfsRpcUnknownAddr(25), nfsRpcTliErr(26), nfsRpcNoBroadcast(27), nfsRpcN2AXLateFailure(28), nfsRpcUDErr(29), nfsRpcInProgress(30), nfsRpcStaleRACHandle(31), nfsSysEOpNotPerm(32), nfsSysENoEntry(33), nfsSysEIOErr(34), nfsSysENXIO(35), nfsSysEBadFile(36), nfsSysENoMem(37), nfsSysENoAccess(38), nfsSysEFileExist(39), nfsSysEXDev(40), nfsSysENoDev(41), nfsSysENoDir(42), nfsSysEIsDit(43), nfsSysEInval(44), nfsSysEFileBig(45), nfsSysENoSpace(46), nfsSysEROFileSystem(47), nfsSysEToManyLinks(48), nfsSysENetDown(49), nfsSysENetUnreach(50), nfsSysENetReset(51), nfsSysEConnAborted(52), nfsSysEConnReset(53), nfsSysENoBufs(54), nfsSysEIsConnected(55), nfsSysENotCon(56), nfsSysEShutDown(57), nfsSysETimedOut(58), nfsSysEConnRefused(59), nfsSysEHostDown(60), nfsSysEHostUnreach(61), nfsSysEStale(62), nfsNfsErrPerm(63), nfsNfsErrNoEnt(64), nfsNfsErrIO(65), nfsNfsErrNXIO(66), nfsNfsErrAccess(67), nfsNfsErrFileExist(68), nfsNfsErrXDev(69), nfsNfsErrNoDev(70), nfsNfsErrNoDir(71), nfsNfsErrIsDir(72), nfsNfsErrInval(73), nfsNfsErrFileBig(74), nfsNfsErrNoSpace(75), nfsNfsErrROFileSystem(76), nfsNfsErrTooManyLinks(77), nfsNfsErrNameTooLong(78), nfsNfsErrDirNotEmpty(79), nfsNfsErrDiskQuot(80), nfsNfsErrStale(81), nfsNfsErrRemote(82), nfsNfsErrWFlush(83), nfsNfsErrBadHandle(84), nfsNfsErrNotSync(85), nfsNfsErrBadCookie(86), nfsNfsErrNotSupp(87), nfsNfsErrTooSmall(88), nfsNfsErrServerFault(89), nfsNfsErrBadType(90), nfsNfsErrReqNotInTime(91), nfsNfsErrSameAsReq(92), nfsNfsErrDenied(93), nfsNfsErrExpired(94), nfsNfsErrLocked(95), nfsNfsErrGrace(96), nfsNfsErrFHandleExpired(97), nfsNfsErrShareDenied(98), nfsNfsErrWrongSec(99), nfsNfsErrClientIDInUSe(100), nfsNfsErrResource(101), nfsNfsErrMoved(102), nfsNfsErrNoFileHandle(103), nfsNfsErrMinVersMMatch(104), nfsNfsErrStaleClientID(105), nfsNfsErrStaleStateID(106), nfsNfsErrOldStateID(107), nfsNfsErrBadStateID(108), nfsNfsErrBadSeqID(109), nfsNfsErrNotSame(110), nfsNfsErrLockRange(111), nfsNfsErrSymLink(112), nfsNfsErrRestoreFH(113), nfsNfsErrLeaseMoved(114), nfsNfsErrAttrNotSupp(115), nfsNfsErrNoGrace(116), nfsNfsErrBAdReclaim(117), nfsNfsErrReclaimConfl(118), nfsNfsErrBadXDR(119), nfsNfsErrLocksHeld(120), nfsNfsErrOpenMode(121), nfsNfsErrBadOwner(122), nfsNfsErrBadChar(123), nfsNfsErrBadName(124), nfsNfsErrBadRange(125), nfsNfsErrLockNotSupp(126), nfsNfsErrOpIllegal(127), nfsNfsErrDeadLock(128), nfsNfsErrFileOpen(129), nfsNfsErrAdminRevoked(130), nfsNfsErrCbPathDown(131), nfsNHTcpNfsNotAvailErr(132)    

INTEGER nfsNoRecentErrors(9999), nfsMountNeeded(1), nfsErrOpeningHistoryFileRetry(2), nfsErrOpeningHistoryFileFinal(3), nfsErrWriteCurrent(4), nfsErrWriteRecent(5), nfsOverrunCurrent(6), nfsOverrunRecent(7)    

Defined Values






This object is sent in a trap to identify the name of the user for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..64)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the name of the target user for which a trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..64)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the type of software image for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  INTEGER boot(1), app(2)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the version of the new software image the appliance is being upgraded to.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  DisplayString Size(0..32)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the version of the software image that the appliance is currently running.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  DisplayString Size(0..32)  

This object contains the results of a software image upgrade.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible

This object is sent in a trap to identify a cry for help string that was detected on a serial port.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..32)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the serial port number associated with a serial session for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  INTEGER 1..48  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the serial port number for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  INTEGER 1..48  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the name of a file for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  DisplayString Size(0..12)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the SPC Location Name for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..32)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the appliance port that the SPC is attached to for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  INTEGER 1..48  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the Login Name for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..32)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the SPC socket number for which the trap condition occurred.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  INTEGER 1..16  

This object is sent in a trap to explain the reason for which a user account has been locked.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  INTEGER consecutiveAuthenticationFailures(1), administrative(2)  

This object is sent in a trap to explain the reason for which a user account has been unlocked.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  INTEGER lockoutExpired(1), administrative(2), reboot(3)  

This object is sent in a trap to indicate the IP address of a user session that has caused the trap.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible

This object is sent in a trap to report server session status changes and power status changes. This object will report the status for all connection paths known to the appliance in an aggregated encoding format as indicated below. The information for each connection path is packed into four bytes as follows: Byte 1 = The serial port number associated with this path. Byte 2 = The enumerated socket number of the SPC cascade device associated with this connection path. The value will be 0 if an SPC socket is not associated with this connection path. The socket number enumeration will use this convention: A1 = 1 C1 = 9 A2 = 2 C2 = 10 A3 = 3 C3 = 11 A4 = 4 C4 = 12 B1 = 5 D1 = 13 B2 = 6 D2 = 14 B3 = 7 D3 = 15 B4 = 8 D4 = 16 No SPC attached = 0 Byte 3 = The power status of a connected server or the power status of an SPC socket. One of the following values can be reported: 1 = unknown - unable to determine the power status. 2 = on - the server or the SPC socket is powered on. 3 = off - the server or the SPC socket is powered off. Byte 4 = The serial session status. One of the following values can be reported: 1 = N/A - not applicable when an SPC is attached. 2 = Idle - there is no active viewer session on this path. 3 = Active - there is an active viewer session currently on this path. Each connection path will be packed into this object in four byte increments one after the other. The connection paths do not have to be packed in any specific order. Note that the size of this object could conceivably be as large as shown in the following calculation assuming a 16 socket SPC were connected to each serial port of the appliance: 48 ports X 16 sockets X 4 bytes = 3072 bytes.
Status: mandatory Access: read-only
  OCTET STRING Size(4..3072)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the name of the server for which the trap condition occurred. The value of this object comes from an instance of the Port Table Name object. If this object is reported in a trap that is specific to a serial port on the appliance then the value of this object will be the same as the serial port's Port Table Name.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible
  UTF8String Size(0..64)  

This object is sent in a trap to identify the reason for the error encountered. In case of no error being reported, this object will have a value of 9999 (no error). If an error is being reported (the value is non-zero), then, depending on the error, the fscSerialTrapObjectNFSSecErrorReason may also have a non-zero value (and thereby provide additional information about the error), or the fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason may have a value of 0 (if no more detail is available for the error).
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible

This object is sent in a trap to identify the reason for the error encountered. In case of no error being reported, this object will have a value of 9999 (no error). If an error is being reported (i.e the value of fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason is non-zero), then depending on the error the fscSerialTrapObjectNFSSecErrorReason may also have a non-zero value (and thereby provide additional information about the error), or the fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason may have a value of 0 (if no more detail is available for the error).
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible

This object is sent in a trap to identify the error status on the specified port.
Status: mandatory Access: not-accessible

fscSerialRebootStartedTrap 1
The appliance is in the process of rebooting. The name of the user who initiated the reboot is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName.

fscSerialUserLoginTrap 2
A user logged into the appliance. This trap is sent when a user logs into the CLI port or when a user exits a serial session. The name of the user who logged in is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName.

fscSerialUserLogoutTrap 3
A user logged out of the appliance. This trap is sent when a user logs out of the CLI port or when a user exits a serial session. The name of the user who logged out is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName.

fscSerialSerialSessionStartedTrap 4
A serial session has started. The name of the user who is connected to the session is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName. The port number on the appliance that the session is using is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectSessionIdentifier. The port name on the appliance that the session is using is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectServerName.

fscSerialSerialSessionStoppedTrap 5
A serial session has stoppped. The name of the user who was connected to the session is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName. The port number on the appliance that the session was using is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectSessionIdentifier. The name of the server the user was connected to is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectServerName.

fscSerialSerialSessionTerminatedTrap 6
A serial session has been terminated or preempted by another user. The name of the user who terminated or preempted the session is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName. The name of the user who was terminated or preempted from the session is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectTargetUserName. The port number on the appliance that the session was using is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectSessionIdentifier. The name of the server the user was connected to is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectServerName.

fscSerialImageUpgradeStartedTrap 7
The appliance has started an upgrade of a software image. The name of the user who initiated the image upgrade is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName. The type of image that is being upgraded is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectImageType. The version of the image that the appliance is upgrading to is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectImageNewVersion. The version of the image that the appliance is currently running is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectImageCurrentVersion.

fscSerialImageUpgradeResultsTrap 8
This object contains the results of the upgrade of a software image. The result is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectImageUpgradeResults. The type of software image the upgrade result is for is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectImageType.

fscSerialUserAddedTrap 9
A new user has been added to the local user database. The name of the user who added the new user is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName. The name of the new user is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectTargetUserName.

fscSerialUserDeletedTrap 10
A user has been deleted from the local user database. The name of the user who deleted the user is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName. The name of the user who was deleted is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectTargetUserName.

fscSerialUserModifiedTrap 11
A user was modified. The the name of the user who modified the user is contain in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName. The name of the user who was modified is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectTargetUserName.

fscSerialUserAuthenticationFailureTrap 12
A user failed to authenticate with the appliance. The name of the user who failed to authenticate is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName.

fscSerialFactoryDefaultsSetTrap 13
The appliance has been commanded to set itself to factory defaults. The appliance sends this trap after being commanded to set itself to factory defaults but prior to actually reverting to factory defaults.

fscSerialPortAlertTrap 14
The appliance detected a cry for help string on a serial port. The serial port number the cry for help string was detected on is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber. The cry for help string that was detected is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectPortAlertString. The serial port name the cry for help string was detected on is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectServerName.

fscSerialConfigurationFileLoadedTrap 15
The appliance has loaded a configuration file. The name of the user who commanded the appliance to load the configuration file is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName. The name of the file that was loaded is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectFileName.

fscSerialUserDatabaseFileLoadedTrap 16
The appliance has loaded a user database file. The name of the user who commanded the appliance to load the user database file is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName. The name of the file that was loaded is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectFileName.

fscSerialPortPowerOnDetectTrap 17
The appliance monitor has detected that the power on/off control signal is high on a serial port indicating that the server attached to the port is powered on. This trap is sent on initialization if the condition is detected. Subsequent traps occur only if there is a transition of this signal from low to high. The affected port number is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber. The name of the server connected to the serial port is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectServerName.

fscSerialPortPowerOffDetectTrap 18
The appliance monitor has detected that the power on/off control signal is low on a serial port indicating that server attached to the port is powered off. This trap is sent on initialization if the condition is detected. Subsequent traps occur only if there is a transition of this signal from high to low. The affected port number is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber. The name of the server connected to the serial port is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectServerName.

fscSerialUserLockedTrap 31
A user account has been locked. The IP address of the client from which the last connection was attempted is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectIPAddress. If, then the user was locked attempting to authentication from the local Serial CLI. The name of the user who was locked is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectTargetUserName. The reason for which the user account has been locked is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectLockReason.

fscSerialUserUnlockedTrap 32
A user account has been unlocked. The IP address of the client that originated the unlock request is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectIPAddress. When the user account is unlocked by an appliance reboot or by the expiration of the lockout period (as specified in the fscSerialTrapObjectUnlockReason object), the IP address will be The name of the user who unlocked the user is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName. When the user account is unlocked by an appliance reboot or by the expiration of the lockout period (as specified in the fscSerialTrapObjectUnlockReason object), the name of the user will be blank. The name of the user who was unlocked is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectTargetUserName. The reason for which the user account has been unlocked is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUnlockReason.

fscSerialNFSDisableRqstdTrap 34
The request to disable NFS was sent. The user that requested NFS disable is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName.

fscSerialNFSUnmountedOKTrap 35
The appliance has completed the disable/unmount NFS. This trap is sent after an NFS Disable request is made and confirms that the unmount operation was successfully completed.

fscSerialNFSEnableRqstdTrap 36
The request to enable NFS was sent. The user that requested NFS enable is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectUserName.

fscSerialNFSMountedOKTrap 37
The appliance has completed the enable/mount NFS. This trap is sent after an NFSEnable request is made and confirms that the mount operation was successfully completed.

fscSerialNFSMountVerifiedOKTrap 38
The appliance has verified that the NFS mount operation succedded.

fscSerialNFSMountFailedRetryingTrap 39
The first NFS mount attempt failed. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason specifies the main reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSSecErrorReason specifies the secondary reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum or if there is no detailed reason then the value will be zero.

fscSerialNFSMountFailedGaveUpTrap 40
The final NFS mount attempt failed. No more attempts to mount a NFS will be maid. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason specifies the main reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSSecErrorReason specifies the secondary reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum or if there is no detailed reason then the value will be zero.

fscSerialNFSMountLostRetryingTrap 41
This trap is sent when the NFS mount is lost. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason specifies the main reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSSecErrorReason specifies the secondary reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum or if there is no detailed reason then the value will be zero.

fscSerialNFSMountLost1stRetryFailedTrap 42
The first NFS remount attempt failed. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason specifies the main reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSSecErrorReason specifies the secondary reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum or if there is no detailed reason then the value will be zero.

fscSerialNFSMountLostGaveUpTrap 43
The final NFS remount attempt failed. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason specifies the main reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSSecErrorReason specifies the secondary reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum or if there is no detailed reason then the value will be zero.

fscSerialNFSPortEnableRqstdTrap 44
A request to enable a NFS port was sent. The fscSerialTrapObjectUserName contains the name of the user that requested this operation. The fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber returns the port number of the NFS port to be enabled.

fscSerialNFSPortDisableRqstdTrap 45
A request to disable a NFS port was sent. The fscSerialTrapObjectUserName contains the name of the user that requested this operation. The fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber returns the port number of the NFS port to be disabled.

fscSerialNFSPortNeedsMountTrap 46
This trap is sent when a port needs mount. The fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber returns the port number of the NFS port that needs remount. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPortErrStatus returns the status of the port at the time that this trap was generated. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSErrorReason returns the error codes for this operation.

fscSerialNFSPortOpenFailRetryingTrap 47
The first attempt to open a file using the NFS failed. Several attempts will be made until the operation will get canceled. The fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber returns the port number of the NFS port that failed. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPortErrStatus returns the status of the port at the time that this trap was generated. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason specifies the main reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSSecErrorReason specifies the secondary reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum or if there is no detailed reason then the value will be zero.

fscSerialNFSPortOpenFailGaveUpTrap 48
The final attempt to open a file using the NFS failed. No more attempts will be made and the operation will be canceled. The fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber returns the port number of the NFS port that failed. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPortErrStatus returns the status of the port at the time that this trap was generated. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason specifies the main reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSSecErrorReason specifies the secondary reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum or if there is no detailed reason then the value will be zero.

fscSerialNFSPortFileOpenOKTrap 49
This trap is sent when an attempt to open a file through NFS is successful. The fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber returns the port number of the NFS port that was successfully open.

fscSerialNFSPortWriteErrorTrap 50
This trap is sent when a write file operation fails. If multiple consecutive write operations fail, this trap is only sent once, upon the occurrence of the first failure. Once sent, this trap will not be sent again until a write operation has been successfully performed, and a period of 15 minutes has elapsed without any additional write operation failures and without any overrun errors. (I.e. This trap is sent only when the status of the port is 'No recent errors.) The port number of the NFS port on which the failure occurred is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber. The status of the NFS port on which the failure occurred is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPortErrStatus. (This is the status of the port at the time that the Trap was generated.) The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason specifies the main reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSSecErrorReason specifies the secondary reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum or if there is no detailed reason then the value will be zero.

fscSerialNFSPortOverrunErrorTrap 51
This trap is sent when an overrun occurs when writing to the file. If multiple consecutive overruns occur, this trap is only sent once, upon the occurrence of the first overrun. Once sent, this trap will not be sent again until a write operation has been successfully performed, and a period of 15 minutes has elapsed without any additional overruns or write operation failures. This trap is not sent if the most recent write operation failed or if a write operation failed within the preceding 15 minute period. (I.e. This trap is sent only when the status of the port is 'No recent errors.) The port number of the NFS port on which the failure occurred is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber. The status of the NFS port on which the error occurred is contained in fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPortErrStatus. (This is the status of the port at the time that the Trap was generated.) The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSPriErrorReason specifies the main reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum. The fscSerialTrapObjectNFSSecErrorReason specifies the secondary reason of failure and can have any value defined in NFSErrorReasonEnum or if there is no detailed reason then the value will be zero.

fscSerialNFSPortNoRecentErrorsTrap 52
This trap is sent if the status of a port changes to a status of 'No recent errors' from one of the current or recent write and/or overrun error status conditions. The fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber contains the number of the port that has no errors.

fscSerialNFSPortFileClosedTrap 53
The file open through a NFS port was successfully closed. The fscSerialTrapObjectPortNumber returns the NFS port number where the file was open.