File: SW-TRAP.mib (3017 bytes)

Imported modules


Imported symbols

enterprises swDiagResult swSensorStatus
swSensorIndex swSensorType swSensorValue
swSensorInfo swFCPortOpStatus swFCPortIndex
swEventIndex swEventTimeInfo swEventLevel
swEventRepeatCount swEventDescr TRAP-TYPE

Defined Values

swFault 1
A swFault(1) is generated whenever the diagnostics detects a fault with the switch.

swSensorScn 2
A swSensorScn(2) is generated whenever an environment sensor changes its operational state. For instance, a fan stop working. The VarBind in the Trap Data Unit shall contain the corresponding instance of the sensor status, sensor index, sensor type, sensor value (reading) and sensor information. Note that the sensor information contains the type of sensor and its number in textual format.

swFCPortScn 3
A swFCPortScn(3) is generated whenever an FC_Port changes its operational state. For instance, the FC_Port goes from on-line to offline. The VarBind in the Trap Data Unit shall contain the corresponding instance of the FC_Port's operational status and index.

swEventTrap 4
This trap is generated when an event whose level at or below swEventTrapLevel occurs.