File: XYLOGICS-TRAP-MIB.mib (23210 bytes)

Imported modules


Imported symbols

TRAP-TYPE sysDescr xylogics
anxTrapUserName anxTrapPortIndex anxTrapPortType
anxTrapInetAddr anxTrapAttackErrcode anxTrapAttackErrmsg
anxTrapDbErrcode anxTrapDbErrmsg wanBpvThreshold
wanOofThreshold wanEsThreshold wanCvThreshold
wanEsfThreshold wanSesThreshold wanUasThreshold
wanBesThreshold wanLofcThreshold wanCssThreshold
ds0ErrorThreshold trapAfdMsg mdmErrorTrapThresh
anxt1ChanIndex anxt1ChanNumber anxt1CurrentBpvs
anxt1CurrentOofs anxt1CurrentEsfs anxt1CurrentLofcs
anxt1ChanConsecFail anxt1WanIndex ss7CurrentGateway
nfasBackupStatus nfasConnectionStatus dsx1LineStatus
dsx1CurrentESs dsx1CurrentPCVs dsx1CurrentUASs
dsx1CurrentBESs dsx1CurrentCSSs dsx1CurrentSESs
mdmNumber mdmStatConsecFail actcallDeviceType
actcallDeviceNumber actcallSetupTime actcallCallingNumber
actcallCalledNumber actcallUsername callHistDeviceType
callHistDeviceNumber callHistWANUnitNumber callHistCalledNumber
callHistUsername callHistDisconnectReason callHistAsyMdmDisconnectReason
callHistSetupTime callHistIndex callHistCallingNumber
callHistOctetsRx callHistOctetsTx callHistChannel

Defined Values

suspectAttackTrap 1
This trap is sent to the trap host under two conditions indicated by anxpTrapAttackErrcode :- 1. UserName has exceeded the threshold for consecutive number of attempts to log-in. 2. UserName has exceeded the threshold for number of attempts to log-in over a defined period of time. The error message is : WARNING: User account disabled due to suspected attack. Note: The time stamp that this trap reports indicates the amount of time that the process generating the trap has been running.

acpdbmerrorTrap 2
This trap is sent to the trap host when a database error occurs. The error message can be one of the following: ERPCD cannot read the database ERPCD cannot write to the database ERPCD detects wrong database protection. Note: The time stamp that this trap reports indicates the amount of time that the process generating the trap has been running.

wanAlarmTrap 4
This trap is generated when a Red, Yellow or Blue alarm is detected. This trap is supported on the following products: 6100, 5391, 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanAlarmClearTrap 5
This trap is generated when at least 15 seconds have elapsed without a Red, Yellow or Blue alarm. This trap is supported on the following products: 6100, 5391, 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanBpvThreshTrap 6
This trap is generated when the number of bipolar violation errors equals or exceeds the threshold defined by wanBpvThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 6100, 5391, 5399, 6300, 5393, 8000.

wanBpvClearTrap 7
This trap is generated when a 15 minute interval has terminated without the number of bipolar errors meeting or exceeding wanBpvThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 6100, 5391, 5399, 6300, 5393, 8000.

wanOofThreshTrap 8
This trap is generated when the number of frame errors equals or exceeds the threshold defined by wanOofThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 6100, 5391, 5399, 6300, 5393, 8000.

wanOofClearTrap 9
This trap is generated when a 15 minute interval has terminated without the number of frame errors meeting or exceeding wanOofThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 6100, 5391, 5399, 6300, 5393, 8000.

wanEsThreshTrap 10
This trap is generated when the number of errored seconds errors equals or exceeds the threshold defined by wanEsThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 6100, 5391, 5399, 6300, 5393, 8000.

wanEsClearTrap 11
This trap is generated when a 15 minute interval has terminated without the number of errored seconds meeting or exceeding wanEsThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 6100, 5391, 5399, 6300, 5393, 8000.

callBeginTrap 12
This trap is generated when an incoming call is detected or an outbound call is generated by the RAC. The trap is sent to the trap host defined in the config file. The trap will include above objects as variable bindings. For further description of these objects please see appropriate MIBs. The trap can be enabled or disabled through callBeginTrapObj MIB object. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

callEndTrap 13
This trap is generated when a call has terminated. The trap is sent to the trap host defined in the config file. The trap will include above objects as variable bindings. For further description of these objects please see appropriate MIBs. This trap is controlled by callEndTrapThresh, MIB object. This object specifies the number of call that has terminated after which this trap will be generated by the RAC. Setting the object, callEndTrapThresh to zero will disable the trap generation. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

unexpectDisconnectTrap 14
This trap is generated when a call has disconnected unexpectedly. A call is considered to have disconnected unexpectedly is the call disconnect reason is: protocolError, localHangup, timeoutHDLC, maxLogonTimeout OR if the call is handled by a modem and the modem disconnect reason is : poorSignalQ, failRetrain. This trap is controlled by unexpectDisconnectTrapThresh MIB object.

forcedCallDisconnectTrap 15
This trap is generated when a call is disconnected due to inactivity. The RAC has following activity timers. Setting off any of these timers will trigger this trap. The timers are : cliInactivityTimeout - the amount of time in minutes that the RAC (system) waits before hanging up the call. This is valid if the session is in CLI mode. Not applicable for any other sessions (PPP etc). The value of the timer is determined by the object, gpTimerCliInactivity. inactivityTimeout - the amount of time in minutes that the RAC waits before hanging up the call. The timer is independent of the mode of the session. The value of the timer is determined by the object, gpTimerInactivityTimer. netInactivityTimeout - this is similar to the inactivity timeout. This trap is controlled by forcedCallDisconnectTrapThresh MIB object.

nodeUnreachableTrap 16
This trap is generated by Optivity when Optivity can not ping an Annex. This trap is equivalent to HP OpenView's OV_Node_Down trap except that it is only generated for an Annex. This trap will be used only by Bay's Technical Response Center.

wanCvThreshTrap 17
This trap is generated when the number of CRC6 errors equals or exceeds the threshold defined wanCvThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanCvClearTrap 18
This trap is generated when a 15 minute interval has terminated without the number of CRC6 errors meeting or exceeding wanCvThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanEsfThreshTrap 19
This trap is generated when the number of ESF errors equals or exceeds the threshold defined by wanEsfThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanEsfClearTrap 20
This trap is generated when a 15 minute interval has terminated without the number of ESF errors meeting or exceeding wanEsfThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanSesThreshTrap 21
This trap is generated when the number of severely errored seconds errors equals or exceeds the threshold defined by wanSesThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

waSesClearTrap 22
This trap is generated when a 15 minute interval has terminated without the number of severely errored seconds meeting or exceeding wanSesThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanUasThreshTrap 23
This trap is generated when the number of unavailable seconds equals or exceeds the threshold defined by wanUasThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanUasClearTrap 24
This trap is generated when a 15 minute interval has terminated without the number of unavailable seconds meeting or exceeding wanUasThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanBesThreshTrap 25
This trap is generated when the number of bursty errored seconds equals or exceeds the threshold defined by wanBesThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanBesClearTrap 26
This trap is generated when a 15 minute interval has terminated without the number of bursty errored seconds meeting or exceeding wanBesThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanLofcThreshTrap 27
This trap is generated when the number of loss of frame count errors equals or exceeds the threshold defined by wanLofcThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanLofcClearTrap 28
This trap is generated when a 15 minute interval has terminated without the number of loss of frame count errors meeting or exceeding wanLofcThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanCssThreshTrap 29
This trap is generated when the number of controlled slip seconds equals or exceeds the threshold defined by wanCssThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanCssClearTrap 30
This trap is generated when a 15 minute interval has terminated without the number of controlled slip seconds meeting or exceeding wanCssThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanFailWanTrap 31
This trap is generated when a WAN module fails initialization procedures. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

wanMdmErrorThreshTrap 32
This trap is generated when the the number of consecutive modem errors meets or exceeds modem_error_threshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6100, 6300, 8000.

modemUnavailableTrap 33
This trap is generated when there are no modems available to handle an incoming call. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

ds0ErrorThresholdTrap 34
This trap is generated when the number of consecutive call failures meets or exceeds ds0ErrorThreshold. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 5393, 6300, 8000.

afderrorTrap 35
This trap is sent to the trap host(s) when AFD detects a catastrophic error downloading wan modules. The wan module at this point is inoperable. This trap is supported on the following products: 6100, 5391, 6300, 5393, 5399, 8000

dvsConnectFailure 36
This trap is sent when a DVS connection failure occurs. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 8000

ss7GwConnectTrap 37
This trap is sent when the RAS has successfully connected to an ss7 gateway. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 8000

ss7GwDisconnectTrap 38
This trap is sent when the RAS loses it's connection to the ss7 gateway. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 8000

operModemImageVersTrap 39
This trap includes the operational and the modem image version. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 8000

wanVersionTrap 40
This trap includes the WAN version string and indicates that a WAN is up. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 8000

nfasBackupStatusTrap 41
This trap is sent in nfas to indicate the status of switch-over. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 8000

nfasConnectionStatusTrap 42
This trap is sent in nfas to indicate the status of of the connection between any of the Primary,Backup and Bearer with one another. This trap is supported on the following products: 5399, 8000